Érdekességek az oldal életéből: itt olvashatod :)
Beküldve: 2017-12-27 15:52:25
Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.
Beszámoló lilike +36209122277 92423 szexpartner
rechev a 2017-12 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg lilike hirdetővelEgyeztetés
Not eazy with her! Sometimes she doesn't answer sometimes she is canceling last moment.This time a few sms and done.
My place so nobody cares. Must be easy as central and close to public transportation. What elseHelyszín
Again not of public interest Must be ok as she didn't complained. For the shower gel fetshists : 2 available. Sorry had to write something.
lilike külseje
Love everything about this girl, tall ,long legs, tits are wonderful. Best is her face and the look she has with a dick in her mouth.I am sessioning her for 4 years now and still have a hard only by seeing her undress in front of me.
She arrived on time!!! Tight jeans sexy top under her coat. Some drinks, a cookie and small talk.I was ready for action,she went for a short clean up. As discussed last time she had no make up as I like her natural and also had the agreement that I will use on her face my special make up:)
This time we directly started in the bedroom on the large bed.
She climbed on top and started to lick my lips. Her kisses are so tender and feel so good, liking my lips then pushing her tongue in my mouth. My hands were all over her and on her tits and pussy and ass. Slowly I caressed her asshole and pushed on finger in her pussy and another in her ass. She was in control, as she went down on me and avoiding the dick she started to lick my balls. Then with authority she pushed my legs up and gently licked my asshole. Her riming starts allways the same: gently. This time she was in great form so I got the rimming of the year. She literally fucked my asshole with her tongue. With her hands she grabbed my upper leg and pulled and with her tongue she pushed!!!??? Never better. So for 20 minutes I think was in heaven. As a pause she licked balls and asshole the pushed tongue again and this felt great.
I was totally at the mercy of her tongue and face deep in my ass.
We changed , I licked her for a while than she started to finger her asshole. Great show ,her beautiful fingers in her ass, her face , her mouning, sexy as it gets!
Fingers were not enough,she grabbed the lube tube and pushed it into her ass! This was to much ,had to fuck her. Condom on and my dick was deep in her ass, my feet on her face, my dick in and out of her ass rough hard assfuck. While I fucked her ass he'd my feet either on her face or close so she started to lick my toes. I was hardly pushing in her ass and my toes in her mouth, this was new and sooo good , feeling her mouth and tongue on my toes. Also this submissive position is very exciting.
I wanted a different finish so proposed her a break ( must admit sweat was running down on me wanted to refresh)
In the break we watched a porno from Legal porno where some great assfuck and golden shower scenes are frequently presented. First she was impressed to see two dicks in the ass of a girl and evan more to see 3 guys pissing simultaneously on the face and in the mouth of the girl. But.after a while she seemed to be exited and ... ..maybe she will do something similar if can be organized.
Anyway I had to do my thing so I took her in the bathroom and made her kneal in front of me. .
I put my dick in her mouth (not in erection and was concentrating not to have an erection) She was patient and after like one minute she was rewarded:) I managed to pee in her mouth and was an unique sensation to feel her mouth while peeing. Probably her mouth was full as some pee started to come out from her closed mouth. Stopped and she showed me the liquid in her mouth and then spit it out.
Thanks to the water i drunk before the session I managed to pee more, on her face in her mouth. She grabbed my cock and directed the jet of pee , all over her face then in her mouth then on tits, her face covered, her mouth filled great show. From time to time stopped peeing and she licked my dick.
Did not let her wipe the pee frem her face , fucked her mouth and shoot a huge load on her face. Some spit , pee and sperm the hottest make up ever . She was gorgeous.
Let her on her knees to admire the masterpiece then helped her up and as gently as I could I helped her wash and dry.
Of course all on record and better so as in some time I will not believe that such a gorgeous girl did these perversions with me.
No surprise. We don't talk about it as the same rate and I can just say Best way to spend hard earned money.Rózsacsokor
rechev nem akarja megosztani a randi időtartamát, és az ajándélba vitt virágszálak számát.
A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.
A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.
Ok , I am subjective about her! You know the girl that you like and nothing can change , not Evan the ocasions when she made you wait or she cancelled.She has the looks and the skills in the bed.
Thanks Lilike next time will do you harder!
Hasznos volt a beszámoló?
Szavazz! Ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot és pontot kap a beküldött beszámolóért. Csak rajtatok múlik!A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)
A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz
Beszélgetés lilike szexpartner beszámolójáról
neddie Billentyűbetyár 2018-07-30 21:44:52 Részletgazdag leírás, feltárja a rendelkezésre álló fantasztikus lehetőségeket.TiborX Becsben tartott 2018-01-03 00:19:42 A megszokott magas színvonal és szaftos szex. Szeretem olvasni a beszámolóid!Felhőtlenphil Mindentudó 2017-12-31 10:33:11 Mocskos állat vagy, és mocskosul jól és bátran írsz.Tűzvarázsló Éló lexikon 2017-12-27 17:05:03 Brilliant story writing, one of the best I have ever read. |
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