Érdekességek az oldal életéből: itt olvashatod :)
Beküldve: 2017-05-26 15:01:43
Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Nagyon Köszönöm hogy ùjra talàlkoztunk ès hogy ìrtàl....imàdlak ;)
Beszámoló lilike +36209122277 88313 szexpartner
rechev a 2017-05 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg lilike hirdetővelEgyeztetés
was at my place , i know from her page that she is now in 11th but do not know her place SorryHelyszín
My place so can not be of public interest, but for sure all was availaible for the clean up and the action. First in the living room on a big sofa then in the bedroom on a very large and confortable bed.lilike külseje
Adatok valóságtartalma:
Arcra élvezés:
Popó izgatás (férfiaknak):
Pornós feeling:
Welcome drinks, clean up small talk about the last few months we have not seen each other, and I was eager to start the action.
Pulled off the towel and pulled her over me to have the best kissing and lip licking action. She can Kiss this girl. But enough of the girlfriend style! Pushed her head beetwen my ass and made her lick my asshole, she is a specialist of rimjobs. For 10 minutes she alternatly licked balls and asshole. Her technique is largely enhanced by the moments when she looks up and has such an innocent look with balls in her mouth or with her tongue in asshole. For the riming she is very perseverent: she is able to push hard and deep her tongue in my asshole so the sensation is absolutly divine.
I wanted some more confort so we move on the bad.
I was sure that i want to fuck her both in pussy and ass, but before wanted a masturbation show so made her play with her fingers. She somehow neglegted her pussy and her focus was on her asshole. First a finger then two, her asshole started to dilate. From time to time I made her pull out her fingers so I can admire the view. In dogy , spreading her but and pussy with her both hands the show is worth evrything. I made some amazing picture and will share in this review the less shocking one. The others are realy far to hard to be shared. Must to say that all along the action I tried to shoot pictures and video but to concentrate on this is very hard!
Ok so she had now 4 fingers in her asshole and the noises she made were loud and so sexy: I had to fuck her. But she had another trick to do. She took the lub tube and used it as a dildo. Pushed the tube in and out of her asshole and from time to time she pulled it out and spred her ass to show me how nicely was dilating. I think she watches porn or just was in the mood to show herself as dirty as possible.
Also from time to time she looked back and asked in soto voce with her innocent voice : do you want to put it in ? I asked Pussy or ass ? she said whereever you want !!! Ok , this was to much , so I pulled her hard to the side of the bed in Doggy and me standing up.
There was nothing gentle of what was comming ! She did not asked for gentle. Her anus was prepared well so I pushed hard my dick as deep as I could (Condom first ) She was moaning hard and this me me evan harder Next 10 or so minutes I fucked alternatly her ass and pussy and inspite of the airconditioning water was runing from both of us.
Hard and strong slow and quick as deep as my dick alowed it my balls clashing on her all the way in. Historic moment for me as I think inspite of many sessions with Lilike I never fucked her so hard or maybe never fucked her in the ass.
Was exhausted and ready to shoot
I put her on her knees , played some saliva on her face just for the looks , made her lick my ass and balls for I while and finaly big shoot of sperm on her face. She sucked me for a minute or so with the white mix of sperm and saliva running down on her sexy face.
As she was late arriving and I had also some other plans , no second round this time but we discussed the next session when she will provide me her other specialities like fisting ans a big round of golden shower on her that I know already she receives very well.
Thank you sex Princess Lilike had the best time.
rechev nem akarja megosztani a randi időtartamát, és az ajándélba vitt virágszálak számát.
A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.
A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.
Have I already said that she drives me crazy ? Lilike has the looks of a teenager and the sexual repertoire of an experienced professional that is not ashamed to use her body and be used as the dirtiest sexual object . Sorry but I like this. Many would judge me as pervert but hey Perversion is a state of mind and for me when 2 adults agree nothing is shamefull Thank you Lilike I will work on you evan harder and longer next time :) Of course, only if you want it !
Hasznos volt a beszámoló?
Szavazz! Ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot és pontot kap a beküldött beszámolóért. Csak rajtatok múlik!A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)
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Beszélgetés lilike szexpartner beszámolójáról
chr Billentyűbetyár 2017-07-28 10:44:30 Great comment! Részletes, jó beszámoló! Minden benne van, az aktus és a hölgy is!MrExkluzív Rutinos harcos 2017-07-13 11:25:02 Részletes, jól megírt beszámoló. Csak alátámasztani tudom a leírtakat. Hm, hol lehet ilyen jó képet találni Lilikéről?vemarac Törzsvendég 2017-05-29 09:11:34 Outstanding review as always. Not my cup of tea, but good to know she helped you enjoy yourself. Respect to you and the lady. One small favor, in the future if you could note if the lady is comfortable in using English for communication. Thank you!Skorpio7 Friss újonc 2017-05-28 16:26:57 Wow! You know what to do with a pretty woman. Here was really hardcore porn feeling.pepsi Mindentudó 2017-05-27 21:16:45 Always nice to see long detailed reports written in english! |
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