Kiemelt Nykol szexpartner - 707233414 - sex, Budapest, XIII. kerület
Budapest XIII.ker.
Kiemelt Barbi szexpartner - 307894642 - erotikus masszázs, Budapest, XIII. kerület
10-22 tud fogadni
Budapest XIII.ker.
Kiemelt Kira szexpartner - 701522401 - szex, Budapest, XIII. kerület
Ma NEM elérhető
Budapest XIII.ker.
Kiemelt Bia szexpartner - 209378327 - masszázs, escort is
Budapest XIII.ker.
Kiemelt anita08 szexpartner - 205197772 - erotikus masszázs, escort is
Budapest XIV.ker.
Kiemelt Tímeád szexpartner - 306031110 - szex, Budapest, VI. kerület
Budapest VI.ker.
Kiemelt Nina szexpartner - 202599791 - erotika, Budapest, III. kerület
Budapest III.ker.


1 InfoBázis bejegyzés = 1 prémium vendég nap

Zsófi gyógymasszőr - 205827540 rossz szexpartner beszámoló, johanjohan írótól (2024-07-25)

Zsófi gyógymasszőr szexpartner beszámolója (2024-07-26 11:23:00)Budapest, XI. kerület
johanjohan szerint valódi, de régi képpel hirdet

InfoBázis - mit tudunk a telefonszámról?

ELLENÖRZÖTT beszámoló. A tartalom és az író ellenőrzött.

A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.


I contacted her by phone in the afternoon and proposed a meeting for the same day a couple of hours later. I sent her VTR request during the phone call which she confirmed. Since I realized that she has moved to another district I called her again a little bit later and propose that the meeting would start 15 minutes later. We agreed the new time. She asked if I could stay there longer than the agreed SOS programme. Since her critics are not very encouringing I did not want to have longer programme in the first appointment.


It is a high block of appartments built some 50-60 years ago ("panelház"). Short walk from the metro station. I arrived near her house a few minutes ahead of the schedule. The address of the house was xx street xx/C. I saw a building with that number without the letter C. I want around the house twice without seeing C entry. I then went to the nearby building. I went around the house and saw no address anywhere. There was a curtain shop at street level. I googled the shop in internet to get the information that I was at the right house. I was at the front door calling her two minutes past the agreed arrival time. She started shouting on the phone how dare I arrive so late. When I arrived at the apartment, the same nagging continued and she said we have 3 minutes time left. The most important thing, however, was to receive the roses which she asked very first. She was angry when I wanted to take a shower because it takes time. That is an indication of her level of hygiene.


Since the visit was very short and uncomfortable, I did not particularly focus on observing the apartment. There was a small bathroom in the hallway. After the hallway turning left was a small bedroom. The apartment didn't seem in good condition and it was untidy.


The pictures has nothing to do with the reality. The first thing you notice is her big stomach which could be called beer stomach. Since the atmosphere was very negative, it also affected my perception of the other person's appearance. The face was round and the skin was worn out. Nothing about her seemed attractive. If the pictures are taken from her then it has been a long time ago.
3. Zsófi gyógymasszőr +36205827540 beszámoló Budapest 122167 szexpartner4. Zsófi gyógymasszőr +36205827540 beszámoló 0000-00-00 00:00:00 szexpartner 122167


The shortest activity report of my life. I didn't have the slightest interest in kissing (and there wasn't time for that either). I lay down on my back and she started giving me a blow job. After a couple of minutes, she stopped when I didn't ejaculate. I stood up and suggested that I masturbate and cum in her mouth. After a couple of minutes, the moment came. And since sperm was also pouring into her face, the moaning continued. Quick shower and exit from the house less than 20 minutes after arriving at the front door of the house.


As I mentioned earlier, this was the only interesting thing on her part and happened as soon as I entered the bedroom. Of course, not many roses were lost, but this was the worst donation ever.


A randi SOS francia volt, és az ajándék 10 virágszálból álló csokor volt.
(A 2024-07 hónapi randin tapasztalt, a vendég által megadott információ, ami az adott randira vonatkozik, és iránymutatásra szolgál. Pontos feltételekről mindig egyeztess a hirdetővel.)
A hirdető beállítása szerint fél órás randira 15, egy órás randira 25, másfel órás randira 35, két órás randira 45 rózsaszállal illik megérkezni


We had agreed a SOS programme. Even though such programme is suppose to last approximately 15 minutes there should always been time for showering before and after. I was out of the apartment 22 minutes after the agreed time. Besides I made the appointment through VTR where she promised 15 minutes extra time. I have never experienced such a hard time preasure. She is telling already when starting the action that the next client is waiting. While I took a quick shower she already dressed for the next client. Hopefully, the next customer didn't have to kiss her spermatic mouth.

Hasznos volt a beszámoló? A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)
A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


Beszélgetés a beszámolóról

Nincs még hozzászólás.

összes / hozzászólás írása

Zsófi gyógymasszőr összes beszámolója

4 istennő
5 felejthetetlen
9 nagyon jó
41 jó
1 egyeztetési
5 lehetne jobb
1 rossz
összes beszámoló