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FELEJTHETETLEN szexpartner beszámoló


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Beküldve: 2018-02-02 22:25:52

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Beszámoló lilike +36209122277 93066 szexpartner

rechev a 2018-01 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg lilike hirdetővel
Not easy to meet Lilike bat in the last month communication seemed easyer. by SMS
this time I already had a session planed with MELINA when sudenly Lilike answered one of my Earlier SMS Great news ! 3 SOME
Yes, had my dream 3SOME planned by a few SMS.
My place , nobody cares, must be easy as the girls did not complain what else can I write ?
My place so nobody cares, but the number of caracters is imposed so : the girls did not complained.
lilike külseje
This is the review for Lilike If you already red the one I wrote for Melina for the same 3some you can skip it as the action part is similar.
Phisically Lilike is my favorite girl , I always ask to see her without any make up as I adore her natural teen look. She may be in her mid 20ies but she could easily pretend she is 18. Fit body, wonderful mid size tits, beutiful legs and her angelique face and mouth with wich she can do very pervers games. love the entire look.
1. lilike +36209122277 beszámoló Budapest 93066 erotikus masszázs
3. lilike +36209122277 beszámoló Budapest 93066 erotikus masszázs4. lilike +36209122277 beszámoló 2018-02-02 22:25:52 erotikus masszázs 930665. lilike +36209122277 beszámoló 2018-02-02 22:25:52 erotikus masszázs 930666. lilike +36209122277 beszámoló 2018-02-02 22:25:52 erotikus masszázs 93066
Both girls arrived on time , and it seemed immediatly that the chemistry is working. Small talk, drinks, cigarettes for me and M . Lilike is a non smoker.
I was already after the shower, L started but M shortly joined her in the bathroom. From the chitchat and the giggling coming from the bathroom I presume the girls were having fun. After a few minutes they came back, M totally naked and L in a sexy baby doll. They went into the bedroom, I went for a mouth wash. In the bedroom a superb view received me: 2 gorgeous girls on their belly ,long legs and those sexy asses.
They ordered me on my belly and started a sexy massage. Hand and tits all over me. Was good.
Continued with a deep French kissing, the styles are so different and so good. M is a full deep tongue in my mouth type of kissing, L is more a liking my lips ,then sucking my tongue type. Both are just mind blowing! I directed the two girls towards each other and while smiling they started to explore each other lips and mouth. I am crazy about lesbian kissing, when the girls are such beauties it it really a treat. After a few minutes of warming up M had her tongue deep in L mouth,then L had her tongue out and M sucking it.
L seemed to enjoy alot as the sounds were so sexy.
I put L on doggy, pushed her head on the bad so her ass was up her legs slightly spread her asshole accessible. M knew what I want! She come and knealing on the bad pushed her face among the asschicks of L and licked the asshole strongly. I was going mad ! My dick hard and sweating. M was working hard on Lillike's asshole and Lilike reworded her with louad moaning!
M licked asshole and pussy the kissed me then back to asshole and pussy.
Change! M in doggy and Lilike with her angelique face started to lick first M pussy then with her both hands she spread M's ass and pushed her tongue into the slightly open asshole.
As their kisses is different also their riming style is different , M is more a strong asshole licking type, L is definitely the tongue fucking style, she is pushing hard her tongue into the asshole. BTW she did this to me many times and I know, feels divine. M was enjoying also laudly her asshole being treated with Lillike's tongue.
The girls wanted to treat me now. So a 2 mouth/tongue/lips job was the next . Alternatively L and M sucked ,licked , kissed my balls and asshole. I did not let them suck my dick as I was already exploding and wanted to enjoy the show much longer and also high the pleasure. So this balls / asshole game was long and so good. I asked for a break
Drinks ciggarete some clean up.
Back in the bedroom L lied on her back and M climbed on top of her . First kissing lips the M slided lower on L body licking her nipples and fingering her pussy. Then down beetwen her legs M licked L pussy and I grabbed one of L feet and sucked her toes.
I am crazy about girls feet and until now L never let me lick her toes but now she was so excited with the licking of M that she let me suck and lick her toes. She is ashamed of her feet as she things that she has big feet, not true she has beautiful toes and a feet size proportionate to her 173 cm hight.
The girls changed again M on her back , L first kissing M mouth and suckinher tongue then going done and a great hard lesbi pussy licking. This time I was licking and sucking M toes.
These lesbi games lasted for another 20 minutes with me participating in kissing , grabbing tits and fingering pussy, I was in heaven.
M started to suck me, L lied in front of me on her back and pushed a good sized dildo in her ass in and out , sometimes pulling it out to show me her gape.
M was deeptroting hard my dick, the show of L with her dildo in her ass I was about to finish.
I pulled L over me, made her sit on my face and the feel of her pussy and the mouth and throat of M on my cock made me explode. I shoot a huge load of sperm in M mouth.
Of course and as usual in my 3somes I made the girls to kiss with the product so M kissed L with the mix of sperm and saliva and the visual was just unbelievably hot.
Great live lesbi show ever with hard finish for me. Was happy:)
Well not a cheap sport for 2 by 2 ( two girls two hours). Good investment in my long term health plan!
rechev nem akarja megosztani a randi időtartamát, és az ajándélba vitt virágszálak számát.

A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.
Somehow this was a softer version of my usual 3somes and this only because of my desire to see these 2 beauties to handle each other. Next time , if I am lucky to organize such a session I will be more active and make the session harder . Will be easy as separately I made many hard sessions with each of the girls and was much more active and more rough.
Thank you Melina, thank you Lilike, had a great time.

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Beszélgetés lilike szexpartner beszámolójáról

2018-03-04 21:28:52
Another great review about a fantastic session with the two girls. I always enjoy reading your reviews!

2018-02-03 20:25:31
I really liked the description of L. I needed that final push to urge me to visit her. Thanks.

2018-02-03 10:38:53
Because it is the same as written for Melina. However, I don't understand the difference in assessment. You didn't wrote about it

2018-02-03 10:25:30
Lucky man. :-)

2018-02-03 09:51:13
Ez a beszámoló már megjelent Melina hírdetését követően. ISMÉTLÉS!!!
Mutasd mindet

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