Kiemelt Barbi szexpartner - 307894642 - erotika, Budapest, XIII. kerület
12-22 tud fogadni
Budapest XIII.ker.
Kiemelt anita08 szexpartner - 205197772 - szexpartner, escort is
Budapest XIV.ker.
Kiemelt Nina Heels szexpartner - 707943549 - masszázs, Budapest, VII. kerület
Nina Heels(27)
Budapest VII.ker.


1 InfoBázis bejegyzés = 1 prémium vendég nap

lilike - 209122277 nagyon jó szexpartner beszámoló, rechev írótól (2015-06-11)

lilike szexpartner beszámolója (2015-06-14 10:41:27)Budapest, VII. kerület
rechev szerint valódi képpel hirdet

InfoBázis - mit tudunk a telefonszámról?

ELLENÖRZÖTT beszámoló. A tartalom és az író ellenőrzött.

lilike reagálása a beszámolóra:
köszönöm....:) Imádlak....


For many weeks Lilike was unreachable inactive on the web, not answering her old numbers. I almost gave up til ,surprise a few days ago her page become active with a new phone number and new location
I called and she almost immediately picked up. She recognized me and seemed pleased. Agreed for a 2 hours meeting at my place


Well again I can not say much as she came to me. Anyway I understand that she is in transit for a new location and dear colleagues you will need to be patient as she is inactive again ( at least at the moment I am writing this).


Same as above my place will not help you much just I can say that air-conditioning is helping alot as I do not imagine how to have a good meeting in the heat of Budapest .


Tetszett: 5
Adatok valóságtartalma: 5
Higiénia: 5
Arc: 5
I love the body of this girl loooong legs sexy feet beautiful tits and a teen smile. I know that she has some marks on her lower bely but I am not looking for the perfection and this is not disturbing for me.
3. lilike +36209122277 beszámoló Budapest 70122 szexpartner4. lilike +36209122277 beszámoló 2015-06-14 10:41:27 szexpartner 70122


Pisiszex: 5
Popó izgatás (férfiaknak): 5
Ujjazni: 5
Videózás: 5
Pornós feeling: 5
Barátnő feeling: 5
Hozzállás, kezdeményezőség: 5
Kölcsönös francia: 5
Mélytorkos francia: 3
Kényszer francia: 3
Arcra élvezés: 4
Csók: 5
Öklözés (Faust): 5
Fotózás: 5
Lábimádat: 5
Unbelievable but she arrived on time ! I picked her up from downstairs and already had some tongue action in the elevator.

Drinks , cleaning and in 10 minutes she was naked. Next a long kissing session , soft and strong deep or just on the lips , she is a champion of girlfriend kissing ! I explored then her body with a special attention for her beautiful tits, sucked them wit alot of passion. She likes this and rewarded me with alot of sexy sounds. I liked her pussy , she has some big beautiful lips. Judging by the spasm and sound she enjoyed it.
Wanted to try again the fisting , she accepted and we started to play to enlarge the entrance. Took alot of time for my 5 fingers to find the way inside and as I saw that she is not really enjoy it we stopped. According to her this long break of almost 8 weeks is sex is made the fisting almost impossible. We agreed to try next time.
She started to suck me ,both dick and balls , she is trying deeptroat but still not fully able to do it , in compensation what she is doing with my balls was better then ever , sucking ,licking ,kissing felt like heaven. I made her lick my asshole and she is doing this with alot of enthusiasm. For long minutes she buried her tongue in my asshole handling my dick with her hand. Alot of effort from my side not to come in this position.

I took her to the bathroom , put her on her knees and had again a very pervers session of golden shower all over her. I don't know why this is so good ! But will stop this kind of letters games as I start to enjoy it to much.

Break for smoking for me .

I put her in doggy and asked her to play with her asshole , this was real hot as after a few minutes she he'd like 4 fingers in her asshole and when she liked them out her asshole was porno style gaping. Made good video and when watched the video later it came out good solo porn .

Put her on her knees and came all over her face ,she sucked my balls and dick with her face covered with some.

Great session


The fee was agreed upfront gave it at the end of the session , I pleased


rechev nem akarja megosztani a randi időtartamát, és az ajándélba vitt virágszálak számát.

A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.


I loved every moment Lilike is a wonderful partner for sex,she is doing a lot of things that other girls of her age would not consider ,I will meet her each time is possible

Hasznos volt a beszámoló? A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)
A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


Beszélgetés a beszámolóról

You write good and all the important needed details also, thanks english report.

Könyvet írhatna
This is a new interpretation of golden shower, you were lucky to find an appropriate partner.

An enjoyable adventure story kinky !

Egy kis fordítás és egy egész jó beszi lett látható!

összes / hozzászólás írása

lilike összes beszámolója

6 istennő
23 felejthetetlen
47 nagyon jó
85 jó
17 egyeztetési
6 lehetne jobb
1 rossz
összes beszámoló