Tantra Barbi.(19+)
Budapest VII.
Szavazz a beszámolókról, ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot kap!
FELEJTHETETLEN erotikus masszázs beszámoló


Normál hirdető


Beküldve: 2023-08-10 10:33:12

Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Képek száma:
Valós tartalmú ELLENŐRZÖTT beszámoló

Ha írsz prémium napokat kapsz!
A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.

Beszámoló Szonja +36705528989 118949 erotikus masszázs

Lepricon a 2023-08 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg Szonja hirdetővel
csodás cicik
fergeteges csúszka
fergeteges francia
mindig vidám
Személyes üzenetben:
Very easy, I called, in the morning, Szonja immediately replied and the meeting was set to later in the afternoon. As always, I asked her to send me the address in a text message and so she did. She was very nice and polite, so I ended the call with anticipation to our meeting...
I arrived by taxi, the driver's around track was great, 80's sounds, so the music added to my euphoria... Note that as the building is brand new, the address is not on Google maps yet, so play with the numbers a little. The building is in the end of a parking lot for those who want to come with a car. BKV to the area is not perfect, so expect a few min walking.
Randi helyszíne:
Egyezés a hirdetéssel:
Hely diszkréció:
As mentioned before, the building is brand new, and so is the apartment. All very clean and tidy.
Szonja külseje
Adatok valóságtartalma:
Amiben fogadott:
Usually photos presented here or in similar sites take off a few years of the real age, after seeing Szonja I realized that I'm here case it's exactly the opposite. She's petite, young and GORGEOUS! I would really like to give a learned description of her medium dark blond hair, her laughing eyes etc., but my breath was taken by the most perfect and beautiful pair of tits I've seen (at least in the past decade). Perfection.
1. Szonja +36705528989 beszámoló Budapest 118949 erotikus masszázs
3. Szonja +36705528989 beszámoló Budapest 118949 erotikus masszázs4. Szonja +36705528989 beszámoló 2023-08-10 12:09:03 erotikus masszázs 1189495. Szonja +36705528989 beszámoló 2023-08-10 12:09:03 erotikus masszázs 1189496. Szonja +36705528989 beszámoló 2023-08-10 12:09:03 erotikus masszázs 118949
Erotikus masszázs
As usualy lately, I skipped this part. Maybe next time as I think that a body massage (or more specifically a tits massage) from this young lady should be a memorable event..
Barátnő feeling:
Hozzállás, kezdeményezőség:
Kézi kényeztetés:
Kölcsönös francia:
Natúr francia (előjátékként):
Natúr francia végig:
Pornós feeling:
Szonja greeted me when I entered very sweetly kiss kiss, shoes off and into the room.
We discussed the programme (1.5h of erotic pleasures + kisses + cím). Az it was our first meeting, we settled the financial issues first and let the fun begin...
We first started kissing. She was hesitant at first but I liked it, as it made the experience much more authentic.. after a while the kisses turned deeper. She isn't a pro, but this was also a real turn on. We continued in bed where we got rid of unnecessary textiles (towel in my case, underwear in hers). We continued kissing for a bit and then she rowed for continuing with a bj. Here I stopped her and explained what I want and how I want it. It was so charming seeing her listening and implementing.. so she started the journey towards my dick from kissing gently my neck, going south to my chest, licking my nipples, stomach and only then reaching my already very hard dick. Her playing with it was surprisingly amazing. She started by licking around it then taking it in her mouth, sucking it and all of a sudden, without any warning, it disappears in her mouth. What a great deep throat!!! I then turned her to 69 position tasting her juicy clit. Then she lay on her back and started touching herself, wow! We continued with many other positions, including a memorable tits fuck. As I mentioned before, IMHO she has the most outstanding large naturals in BP. After several other plays, unfortunately time has come to conclude the session so I stood up, while Szonja positioned herself on her knees in front of me and we had a fabulous bj ended deeply in her mouth. Wow. After a short cleaning session we hugged, I got my towel and off to the shower, dress up and bye bye till next time!
I stayed for 1.5h and took 2 extras: kisses and CIM. The basic price it's in the median higher side, while the extras prices are lower than the average. All in all, the price is more than fair compared to the amazing service. I also added a tip as I really enjoyed
A randi másfél órás volt, és az ajándék 41 virágszálból álló csokor volt.
(A 2023-08 hónapi randin tapasztalt, a vendég által megadott információ, ami az adott randira vonatkozik, és iránymutatásra szolgál. Pontos feltételekről mindig egyeztess a hirdetővel.)

A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.
Young, sassy, classy and beautiful. Girly smile and a body for sin. She is really open minded (of course with the obvious limitations that I carefully respected!!) and is eager to be directed. I left with a great feeling knowing I'm gonna be back soon

Hasznos volt a beszámoló?

Szavazz! Ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot és pontot kap a beküldött beszámolóért. Csak rajtatok múlik!

A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)

A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


Beszélgetés Szonja erotikus masszázs beszámolójáról

2024-02-20 17:29:59
Very late to this, but does Sonia speak English?

2023-08-16 11:13:25
Very good review.

2023-08-13 14:56:08
It's good you mentioned, you could also have written about her tits.:)))
I appreciate your response, thank you for the detailed information. You’ve provided very likeable details about this lady, attracted my attention.
Many thanks again…

2023-08-12 23:29:29
Thanks for your message Apolo. I think you are right. After reading my review, it also seemed to me that I was so overwhelmed by the look of her tits that I missed part of the general description. I'll add a couple of details.. she has a beautiful teen smiling face, medium hair length, app 1.60, thin to medium body size, nearly perfect ass and skinny legs. Hope I was more comprehensive this time.
P.S. did I mention her amazing tits? 😘

2023-08-12 15:49:23
Thank you for writing a high-profile report about this lady, although what a shame that you got stuck in writing at her breasts. I would have liked to read more description, what does she look like. I’ve also found your abbreviations a bit interesting, but all in all I liked it.
Mutasd mindet

FunkciókSzonja legfrissebb beszámolói

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