Neten lévő BÁRMYELYIK hirdetésről írhatsz beszámolót, nem csak a nálunk hirdetőkről
NAGYON JÓ szexpartner beszámoló


Megbecsült hirdető


Beküldve: 2024-03-23 16:10:22

Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Valós tartalmú ELLENŐRZÖTT beszámoló

Ha írsz prémium napokat kapsz!
A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.

Beszámoló Natasa +36301824225 121024 szexpartner

Bohica a 2024-03 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg Natasa hirdetővel
perfekt alak
hihetetlenül érzéki
változatos pózok
barátnő feeling
Contacting Natasa is always a bit of a rollercoaster. You're thrilled when she approves your request, but often disappointed when she cancels or goes unresponsive. However, she's great at English, both speaking and writing.

As a foreigner just visiting, it's been tough for me since I'm not super flexible with dates. Natasa's a pretty private person, only working about six hours a day and sticking to a simple phone without all the fancy apps. Plus, she's pretty popular, so managing bookings manually while providing her services must be quite the challenge. Seriously, if someone developed a booking system like the ones barbers use, the world would be a better place! 😉 And let's be real, VTR and SMS without emojis are the way to go.

So, about my recent experience... I got a reply at 07:00 for my 11:00 VTR proposal, but she only agreed to 30 minutes instead of the full hour I suggested. I replied "ok" immediately to confirm, but never got that confirmation. Still, I decided to take a chance and headed to the location on the map, just in case she said yes. Then, at 10:50, she came through for me, offering 11:30. My gamble totally paid off! And then she needed another 15 minutes to get ready.
Her current address is super convenient to reach via public transport, just a three-minute walk from the tram station.

With clear instructions sent via SMS, finding her place and door was a breeze, and she promptly opened the door when I arrived.
Her apartment is very well maintained and clean.
I didn't see all of it, but I guess it is a 2-bedroom apartment.
The bathroom is rather small but clean, well-equipped with a neatly organized and wide selection of shower gels and Listerine, with single-use cups. As she is a kisser, use the mouthwash!

Large room with a big double bed and a sofa. Even a clothes valet, that would be terrific if all girls had.
Natasa külseje
Even though I've met her a few times in the past, I'm always struck by how small and petite she is in real life, and I absolutely love it. It's even more noticeable when she greets you standing up than when you're in bed with her. When she greeted me with a hug she was wearing just some underwear, but I didn't noticed what kind because she was completely naked by the time I got back from the shower.

Her hair is a natural middle brown now, not the platinum blonde with extensions she used to wear in the past and in her photos. I've seen her with both natural hair and extensions before.

She doesn't show her face in the photos, but I find her cute. I've never seen her in full make up she only wears a touch of mascara. I think she weighs less now than before, but she doesn't look anorexic at all; she has a perfect ass and a completely flat stomach.

No scars, no loose skin, no discoloration from pregnancy—just natural and perfectly fit. Her body could easily pass for someone in their mid-twenties, and no one would bat an eye.

Her pussy hadn't been shaved in the past few days, but I welcomed the change, especially since she had been freshly shaved in our previous meetings.

Even though Natasa has fake tits, her appearance is just so natural and petite, not the Pornstar Barbie dolls I kind of like too. Natasa has other qualities that make everyone love her and keep me coming back as a returning visitor.
1. Natasa +36301824225 beszámoló Budapest 121024 erotikus masszázs
3. Natasa +36301824225 beszámoló Budapest 121024 erotikus masszázs4. Natasa +36301824225 beszámoló 2024-03-25 08:05:56 erotikus masszázs 1210245. Natasa +36301824225 beszámoló 2024-03-25 08:05:56 erotikus masszázs 1210246. Natasa +36301824225 beszámoló 2024-03-25 08:05:56 erotikus masszázs 121024
Natasa is very sensual, and this is where she differs from most girl. Several reviews have already described this in great detail, but she is really a treasure in this area. It's like making love to a new girlfriend or date, kissing on the mouth, neck, caressing each other's bodies, the heavy breathing, and small moans in your ear.

There is no need to get a blowjob; the making out will get you there without it. But she offers, and I'm not the one to decline such an offer.

The blowjob is also sensual, slow, soft, not that deep or hard. Totally okay, but I was already hard before it.

After a minute or so, I suggested transitioning to sex and beginning with missionary.
She accepted my offer to use my own Durex condom that I like and fits me, which I always carry.Finally, the moment was here that I've been waiting for for years, and I was not disappointed. Slowly, I entered her super tight pussy. It's the best feeling. It can't be described; it has to be felt, and I've never experienced it elsewhere. Of course, I told her, and she is well aware.

We altered the pace from slow to fast, both kissing and a little more rough. I lifted her up into my arms so she could do the work for a while and at the same time kiss me and grind her clit against me.

We switched to doggy. In this position, you have to be extra careful not to go too deep too fast. Her all-hard perfect ass is so nice to see, squeeze. I picked up the pace and grabbed her by the hair, of course checking that she was okay with it.

As the final, I wanted to finish on her body, so we switched back to missionary, more intensely now grabbing her throat and thrusting fast and then letting it off on her stomach. I asked her to tell me come on her and she did.
It was such a great feeling of relief.

I helped her out to clean off before I headed for the showers.

When I came back, she was sitting nude on the bed not rushing me out or answering messages. We sat down and spoke about what she's been up to for the last few years during the pandemic while I softly caressed her body. She didn't mentioned the time was up, but I didn't want to overstay too long, so I started to get dressed.

I asked her to consider getting a decent phone with WhatsApp and Android for easier communication, which could potentially attract more clients, especially foreigners.
She only offered me the half hour, although I would have preferred the full hour.

She doesn't have many extras, only photos but she didn't want to offer that today. It's ok, I have from a previous meeting.
Bohica nem akarja megosztani a randi időtartamát, és az ajándélba vitt virágszálak számát.

A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.
Perfect like always, she's my absolute favorite currently active girl in Budapest and top 5 paid experiences ever for me. I will visit her as often as I can.

Hasznos volt a beszámoló?

Szavazz! Ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot és pontot kap a beküldött beszámolóért. Csak rajtatok múlik!

A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)

A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


Beszélgetés Natasa szexpartner beszámolójáról

A beszámolóról szóló beszélgetés csak prémium vendég előfizetőknek érhető el ennél a hirdetőnél.Mutasd mindet

FunkciókNatasa legfrissebb beszámolói

istennő: 1db
(2024-03-04) : Misszionárius pózban is ugyanezt a fúziót hozta létre. Ez lehet Natasa különlegességének titka. Mozdulatainak finomsága és csókjának lágysága olyan bensőséges atmoszférát generált, amelyet nagyon meg lehet szeretni

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(2024-02-26) : Natasa franciája kifejezetten érzéki, kezét szinte alig használja és számomra pont megfelelő erősségű volt, simán percek alatt megesett volna a tiszteletlenségem. De nem sietett, óvatosan rám figyelve hagyott élvezkedni, miközben én kebleit ,

(2024-02-22) : Odaálltam az ágy mellé és egy nagyon jóleső franciát kaptam tőle, piciny kezei kicsit hidegek voltak, de jóleső érzés volt a forró szája és a hűsítő kezének együttesét érezni himtagom körül.

(2023-11-10) : Lévén nagy francia kultúra kedvelő, átadtam magam Kedves vendéglátómnak. Kezelésbe vett, úgy ahogy szeretem, száj/ kéz /kombo, lassan, finoman puhán, miközben selymes bőrű popsija mellettem ágaskodott

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(2024-02-15) : Kis pihenés és összebújás után kaptam egy nagyon gyengéd franciát. Termetéhez képest sokat eltüntetett. Mivel már türelmetlenül vártam, hogy benne lehessek, ezért kértem óvszert, amit sajnos a szokásos Petrocelli módon húzott fel.

(2023-11-08) : Natasa szűk és forró, halkan élvezi a farkam mozgását, gyengéden szeretkezős hangulatban. Bármelyik pillanatban eltudnék élvezni, de látni szeretném hátulról a formáit így kutyusba váltunk.

(2020-09-21) : Zuhany után a szobába visszatérve, törölközőtől megválva, majd az ágyra ülve gyorsan felvázoltuk a taktikát, majd még gyorsabban bele is kezdtünk az első félidőbe. Nati vette a kezé...

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(2024-07-13) : Miután eleget csodaltam a kis seggèt ahogyan pucsìtott előttem (nem lehet betelni vele) kértem tőle egy franciát ami nagy tapasztalattal művelt. Finoman barátnősen cuppogot a makkomon és néha néha meg is próbálta azt teljesen eltüntetni a kis szájában.

(2024-03-26) : Elsőként én kezdtem ismerkedni a testével, amivel egyszerűen nem lehet betelni. A szilikonos cicik és a gyönyörű punci... Nagyon jól nedvesedett és sikerült is örömet szereznem neki a visszajelzések alapján.

(2024-03-19) : Csókok érzelmesek,és a francia is barátnős. Kértem hogy foglaljon helyet rajtam ami nem semmi látvány és érzésre is döbbenetes. Majd kutyus és misszi és igy is lett végem