Kiemelt Lindom Esther erotikus masszázs - 303908014 - erotika, Budapest, XIII. kerület
11-18 tud fogadni
Lindom Esthe.(24+)
Budapest XIII.ker.
Kiemelt Lindom Zoé erotikus masszázs - 303400596 - szexpartner, Budapest, XIII. kerület
12-18 tud fogadni
Lindom Zoé(24+)
Budapest XIII.ker.
Kiemelt LindomNova erotikus masszázs - 306855935 - masszázs, Budapest, XIII. kerület
Budapest XIII.ker.


1 InfoBázis bejegyzés = 1 prémium vendég nap

Ira - 205807468 lehetne jobb erotikus masszázs beszámoló, cerum írótól (2025-03-13)

Ira erotikus masszázs beszámolója (2025-03-14 15:13:28)*interneten, ezen a telefonszámon aktuálisan lévő hirdetés képeBudapest, XIII. kerület
cerum szerint valódi képpel hirdet
NEM hirdetőnk

InfoBázis - mit tudunk a telefonszámról?

ELLENÖRZÖTT beszámoló. A tartalom és az író ellenőrzött.


I'm a big fan of the salon near Lehel market, I'd been away from Budapest for a couple months and I was sad to see the old batch of girls all leave. But also excited to see new girls quickly joining - some of their initial reviews on the other site weren't very positive, but Ira seemed to have a great one, so I booked her one afternoon. I called the controller, she answered quickly, I made sure that kissing, 69 etc was still all included with all girls and she assured me, so we arranged the details for a couple hours later. Ira sent me the new address directly on Viber, so I was in touch with her for timing, building details etc.


The location has changed - they sent me a new address not far from the old salon, but this time in a new-build complex. It was easy to reach on public transportation, just a couple blocks from the old location and with ample parking nearby.


Much nicer than the old place, and that's saying something since the old one was spotless. A large newly built, modern apartment complex with spacious rooms and a spotless bathroom with plenty of shower gels. Clean fluffy towels, comfortable mattress on the floor, relaxing music - it was the perfect setting for what should've been a great experience.


As soon as the door opened and I walked on, I knew something was wrong - Ira didn't look healthy. In fact, she looked quite sick with bags under her eyes, a hunched frame and just generally the look of someone with a persistent cold. Throughout the meeting, she was coughing a lot, blowing her nose a lot - not exactly the most appealing for an erotic massage. I'm sure she's ordinarily attractive and she has a decent body, but under these circumstances, she didn't look great.


Ira's massage wasn't really erotic or professional, it was just a few light rubs on the back and legs, nothing sensual or teasing. When we started, she timed the process, saying we have 30 minutes of massage and then 30 minutes for the last round - it seemed strange to announce it, but whatever works. During the massage, we did have a decent conversation though - she mentioned this is a well-paid job, that she's only been doing it for a month, etc. Signs that might explain her lukewarm approach to erotic massages.


I went for the 90 mins program as always, with two shots. After taking a quick shower, we entered the room and Ira immediately started coughing quite loudly - you could tell she looked tired and just wasn't into our meeting, which would make sense as she was under the weather, but it felt a little irresponsible given the intimacy of an erotic massage and at the very least, they could have told me she was slightly sick, instead of finding out when I'm standing there with nothing but a towel on. Ira assured it was just a cough from eating an ice cream(?) and that it definitely wasn't viral, something I'd find out about later. I figured I had no choice but to believe her and she told me to lie down on the mattress.

She removed her bra but kept her panties on, and I didn't even ask for her to remove them as it didn't feel like it was going to be a passionate meeting. She started by slapping some oil onto my nether regions and then onto her breasts, before leaning over my member and performing a very mechanical, very average 'slider' massage, if you can call it that. It was awkward, to say the least. This robotic 'sliding' continued for a couple minutes before she asked, 'how do you want your first ending, handjob or blowjob?' Not exactly a sexy transition, and I asked if we could start with some kissing and caressing first - she gave in with some light lip kissing, hardly any effort put in and in retrospect definitely not the smartest move on my part given her cold, but after an awkward few seconds of this, I asked if anything was wrong, she said no, and I said let's just move onto the blowjob.

This is where she put in the most effort and I have to admit, she does really try her best: her blowjob skills aren't highly sexual or pornstar-like, they're more like an average girlfriend would do, soft and gentle with an energy that's trying to please, even if she's not that experienced at it. She alternated with a bit of a handjob too, but the lack of intimacy or sexuality made the whole thing feel a little passionless and it took me quite a while to finish - surprising, since I normally blow in minutes, but eventually I came over her hands. It was a decent start.

We cleaned up, she excused herself to get some water, where I heard her coughing loudly and blowing her nose a lot, and then returned for the massage. After the 'timed massage', we moved onto the last half hour of the second round. Once again, there was little passion in the process, no kissing or caressing, and I didn't even bother asking for a 69 as the panties were still on. She repeated the mechanical process: rubbing oil onto my member and her breasts, an awkward slider massage, before moving onto the gentle blowjob. I obviously took longer this time, but to her credit, she was a trooper about it, working away at my member and trying to coax it out. Again, the lack of passion combined with the inexperience meant it took longer than normal, and I eventually had to jerk myself off while she ran her tongue along the head - it worked, and we finished with just minutes to spare on the 90-min clock.


I handed the envelope at the end, no extras were ever discussed as she said she doesn't take it in the mouth, which was fine by me.


A randi másfél órás volt, és az ajándék 32 virágszálból álló csokor volt.
(A 2025-03 hónapi randin tapasztalt, a vendég által megadott információ, ami az adott randira vonatkozik, és iránymutatásra szolgál. Pontos feltételekről mindig egyeztess a hirdetővel.)
Nem aktív hirdetőnk, így nem tudjuk a csokor méretét. Itt az alkalom, hogy jelezzed neki, ha hirdet nálunk meg tudja ezt is adni!


I left feeling fine, an average and maybe slightly disappointing experience, not the best by far, but certainly not the worst. Ira is inexperienced and clearly doesn't have much passion for erotic massages, but you win some, you lose some. What really got me was the next day, though: despite her assurances that "it wasn't viral", I woke up the next morning with the start of a cold - runny nose, a slight cough, nausea, etc, definitely the start of whatever she had.

I messaged her saying I'm sick, that she shouldn't have been working and that she shouldn't see clients till she's better. She replied that it's impossible I got sick from her(!), that it takes 2-3 days for symptoms to show(?!) and it must be from something else(!?!). I shared a screenshot from a medical site that symptoms appear after a day, she saw the message and just didn't reply. As I mentioned before, turning up sick to an erotic massage feels irresponsible given the acts involved, trying to explain it as 'not viral' feels even more irresponsible and then gaslighting that it wasn't them hits the hattrick of irresponsibility.

I'll definitely be back to the Lehel area salon (if they'll allow me after this review haha), but certainly not to Ira.

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A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


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