Ashley - 306851194 jó szexpartner beszámoló, Fab1 írótól (2019-06-17)

Fab1 szerint valódi képpel hirdet
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ELLENÖRZÖTT beszámoló. A tartalom és az író ellenőrzött.
A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.
Quite easy to manage via sms. And she was very reactive to answer.
I came by walk (knowing already the after) but area is well deserved by public transportation.
Well known appartement which is cosy, well equipped and bathroom is furnished with all what you need to fresh yourselves when arriving or before leaving.
No surprise there as I met her for the 3rd time and let’s say I feel always welcome (as a good friend) and if I come back it is because I am happy :).
We agreed to meet for one hour but because of an emergency from my side I had to leave only after 30 minutes... but very good time in which after having showered I went back to the room and joined Ashley on the bed where she was waiting me totally nude.
Néhány helyen használta a masszázsgépet is segítségül mivel a hátam nem nagyon engedett. Összességében egy nayon profi masszázst kaptam aminek már akkor éreztem jótékony hatását, másnap pedig olyan volt mintha egy új hátat kaptam volna Encitől.
Then we move to a nice game, when she was nicely playing with my « popo » with one of her sextoy (we had a bit of fun in selecting it together)... I was on my back, seeing her in front of me and really liked to see this :)... also when I was still plugged she put my cock between her lips for a very good blowjob that ended in her mouth! What an amazing orgasms !!! Thanks for it.
And then unfortunately I had to shower and leave her... was frustrated as I was still really exited and I know fucking Ashley is super good ! But next time
Definitely ok and I can only recommend her.
Fab1 nem akarja megosztani a randi időtartamát, és az ajándélba vitt virágszálak számát.
A hirdető a virágszálak számát prémium vendég előfizetéssel csak prémium vendégekenek szeretné megmutatni.
I am still happy when I meet Ashley, can only recommend and will come back for sure !
PS : sorry if order of the comments is not appropriate still struggling with Hungarian :(
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