Tantra Lena(19+)
Budapest VII.
Budapest XIII.
Tantra Barbi.(19+)
Budapest VII.
A nem nálunk hirdetők beszámolói prémium vendég előfizetés nélkül kikerülés után 7 napig olvashatóak
LEHETNE JOBB erotikus masszázs beszámoló


Normál hirdető


Beküldve: 2023-09-30 11:29:50

Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Valós tartalmú ELLENŐRZÖTT beszámoló

Ha írsz prémium napokat kapsz!
A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.

Beszámoló Ariana +36303973860 119426 erotikus masszázs

DiosCsiga a 2023-09 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg Ariana hirdetővel
I've been to this place many times and met 6 or 7 of the girls. They are generally very nice---and so is Ariana.
That makes it hard to write a "lehetne jobb" report. If the girl is nice, it is hard to criticize the girl, no matter what happens. And Ariana (and most of the others) are definitely nice, kind girls!

Attitude and looks are really important, and Ariana has both, but there are lots of issues that I think others should know about---some specific to Ariana, some more general to the operation. In some ways it is not fair to Ariana, because there have been other below average dates I've had that I marked as "Good" because the girl was nice when it was a sub-par experience.

So, this is not intended to be harsh---only honest and hopefully useful to others.

And I repeat that Ariana and the rest are (mostly) nice girls.

With regard to the actual question for this section: I wrote an SMS to the number.
Someone else answers the phones there for the girls (which is fine). She asked if I wanted a 4-hand massage, but I stuck with the 2-hand version with just Ariana.
She gave me the instructions over SMS, but I obviously already knew them.
We did not discuss the price until after I arrived. The base prices are printed on the ads, so the only question is the cost of the extras.

I asked if I should write back an hour before the meeting to confirm, and she said yes. (This is a common practice here even for same-day appointments.)
It is very near the Corvin metro station, so very easy to get to.
The instructions were very clear.
There were several problems here.

Most of the time, they do not schedule two guests at exactly the same time, but today they did. Another guy and I both got out of the elevator and walked to the door. Quite awkward. I went in first, and luckily Ariana was the one at the door. She needed extra confirmation to make sure the right girl was with the right boy.

Because two of us were scheduled at the same time, one of us had to use the second-rate bathroom. At this house there are two bathrooms, and one is generally in a better condition than the other. When I walked into the bathroom I nearly slipped and fell on my ass because the tile floor was so wet. Ariana came in and started drying the floor with two other towels. The shelf was not very tidy. The whole bathroom was a real mess. (The main bathroom was much tidier when I showered in it after the massage.)

One thing I like that Ariana did was she selected the shower gel she I should use. I guess she just likes that one. Some guys might not like being told which gel to use, but I'm glad she did it.

One big negative---there were no paper or plastic cups anywhere in the bathroom---i checked under the sink and on the counter. So I had to use the cap from the mouthwash bottle. When I showered in the other bathroom, I noticed it also had no cups set out. (In the past there have been paper cups, but not tonight.)

The shower itself is fine. Plenty big and plenty of hot water.

Because the other guest and I arrived at the same time, it is not surprising that I also saw him leaving his shower as I was leaving mine.

Something else to know about this place. I recommend everyone pay for the 90-minute program because otherwise you will end up having very little time with the woman. After I finished my shower, I waited for Ariana quite a while in the room, and my shower was not super-short. This is a common observation at the house. The girls tend to tarry quite a while before coming to the room. Then they budget 15 minutes for your post-session shower, so for a 90-minute program you might get 50-55 minutes with the girl. I've been to lots of other places and it does not feel the same way.

I think this is what they refer to as the "szállítószalag" feeling? (Conveyer-belt in English)
Ariana külseje
Ariana advertises with her face showing, and there were no surprises.
She is beautiful and has nice, soft lips and some good tattoos (and I normally don't like tattos).

One minor note: Ariana advertises on RL with a breast size of 75. That may be true, but she seemed a little bigger to me. (Which is a good thing.)
It might just me that lots of girls advertise with a 75 with they are actually smaller. Either way, I thought people might want to know.

One thing in the advertisement that does not match (but is not "külső") is that the advertisement indicates that Ariana speaks English. This is not true.
She told me that she knows German and Hungarian, and I should choose which one to use.
I don't mind at all---I actually really enjoy practicing my Hungarian when I go see a girl. But I mention it in case others care. She used google-translate in those cases where I was not able to understand her Hungarian.
1. Ariana +36303973860 beszámoló Budapest 119426 erotikus masszázs
3. Ariana +36303973860 beszámoló Budapest 119426 erotikus masszázs4. Ariana +36303973860 beszámoló 2023-10-04 16:38:36 erotikus masszázs 1194265. Ariana +36303973860 beszámoló 2023-10-04 16:38:36 erotikus masszázs 1194266. Ariana +36303973860 beszámoló 2023-10-04 16:38:36 erotikus masszázs 119426
Erotikus masszázs
The massage was not really a massage. It was not really much of anything.

Recently, when I have come to this house, I've started directing things from the start---normally a standing blowjob and then a kissing cuddling session.

But I was so enchanted by Ariana, that I wanted her to do her own program and not try to interrupt. But I would have much rather moved to cuddling and kissing sooner.

Then we started kissing. She has very nice, soft lips. I think they have some silicon in them. I like them. But unfortunately, it was obvious that Ariana was not really that much into kissing and held back a lot. It definitely lacked the girlfriend feeling. That was a real disappointment. I really like passionate kissing and girlfriend feeling, and this was far from it.

After the pampering, I massaged her back a bit. She seemed to like strong massages.
The pampering included a blowjob, a nice handjob, and butt-pampering with the tongue.

The blowjob had some potential, but there was a problem. I often do not end up coming just from a blowjob, so I did not opt for the cum-in-mouth extra. I think that made her too cautious when she thought I was about to come---so she backed off at critical times. In truth, I was farther away from coming than she thought, so this ended up killing momentum. I would have let her know and pulled out if I were actually about to come. It would have been much better if she had just continued to give me a blow job until I alerted her.

She did a little butt-pampering, but it was a very short duration. It was still nice, but be advised that it is very limited.

On RL she advertises with "Ujjazás" as something she likes, but in fact she does not like fingering inside her pussy and will ask instead that you just rub the outside.
We eventually got to a nice situation where she was jacking me off while I was rubbing her and we were kissing a bit. That created some positive energy from the mutual masturbation. This almost brought me orgasm, but not quite. She transitioned to sucking my cock, sensing I was close, but this ended up just killing the intimacy of masturbating each other. In the end there was no success.
There are three extras possible:
butt pampering

If I'm being totally honest, the kiss is probably still "worth it" even though Ariana is so reserved and the girlfriend feeling is lacking, but I'd much rather get the passion/girlfriend feeling. Without that, I don't think it is worth going.

I guess if I could go back and do it again, I'd get the kiss and cum-in-mouth, but no butt-pampering---it was too short to be worth the cost.
A randi másfél órás volt, és az ajándék 40 virágszálból álló csokor volt.
(A 2023-09 hónapi randin tapasztalt, a vendég által megadott információ, ami az adott randira vonatkozik, és iránymutatásra szolgál. Pontos feltételekről mindig egyeztess a hirdetővel.)

A hirdető a virágszálak számát prémium vendég előfizetéssel csak prémium vendégekenek szeretné megmutatni.
As described in the earlier sections, Ariana is beautiful and kind, but there are issues with the house (discretion, waiting, dead time) and several things made my time with Ariana unsatisfying. A more impassioned girlfriend experience would have made a big difference.

Hasznos volt a beszámoló?

Szavazz! Ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot és pontot kap a beküldött beszámolóért. Csak rajtatok múlik!

A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)

A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


Beszélgetés Ariana erotikus masszázs beszámolójáról

2023-10-05 05:29:06
Appreciate you sharing your honest review! We need more of these here.
Mutasd mindet

FunkciókAriana legfrissebb beszámolói

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